As usual I had nothing planned for new years eve. It seems I always end up in the same situation, year after year. Luckily for me, I have friends who have the same problem. This year I managed to gather together a small group of wonderful people. Lisa and Simon had just moved in to their new apartment, which I though was perfect. Since I wanted to see it and them ofcourse. Tobbe joined naturally, then Lisa. I asked Staffan and Lou as well since they were in Sweden over the holiday and I haven't seen them since their wedding in 2013. So glad I got a chance to see them. Oh! And Anton joined with his friend Martin as well. Sensing that I had pushed Lisa and Simon's hospitality a bit too much I felt a little ashamed.
Had such good time with a beautiful view over all the fireworks. The only sad part of the evening was when all of Simon's wine which was resting crashed into the floor five minutes before midnight.