The last weekend for myself when I go out for the moose hunt. My sisters arrived as well from Stockholm and Malin brought Moa with her. I had invited Victor which arrived later with the bus from Luleå. We were all pretty tired since all had arrived late. We ate and went to bed. Woke up at 6am deadly tired. Ate breakfast and then started to prepare the lunch and put in in the backpack. The hunting team gathered as usual at 7am and we decided on area and positions. Me and Victor ended up the middle of everything. It was raining and was cold. I hoped I had dressed enough when we went out to our position. I hadn't. I froze and the rain wasn't helping. At least we heard something during our time, but didn't get to see anything. The whole first day went by without nothing much happening at all for me and Victor. Malin got some action so did dad.
Second day started off much like the first one. Me and Victor got positioned this time far out on the the first area of the day. Nothing happened but the food was good and so was the company and this time I didn't feel cold. It wasn't until the last area of the day when we finally got to see something. Even though it was only for a split second.
All in all a great weekend. Really enjoyed spending some time with Victor again and I think he enjoyed spending time with our dogs.